AJ6 2021-02-17 ABOUT ME

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Morning conversations tentokrát s Libby. Poslechněte si ještě jednou a v textu si znovu odpovězte na otázky. OBRÁZKY JSOU KLIKACÍ.


Good morning. It is Tuesday, 16th February 2021. My name is Libby and today I am replacing Jan for the morning conversations.



So, can you please introduce yourself?

  1. What is your name?
  2. How old are you?
  3. Where do you live?
  4. Where do you go to school?



Very nice to meet you. My name is Libby and I live in the Great Britain. I am a voice artist, voice assistant, anything with the voice.

  1. How are you this morning?
  2. What time did you get up?


Very well. And me, I am very well this morning. I got up very early today.

    1. What did you have for breakfast?
    2. Do you prefer small or big breakfasts?
    3. And do you prefer tea or coffee in the morning?


    Good, thank you. I heard you had spring holidays.

    1. Where did you spend your spring holidays?
    2. What time did you usually get up on spring holidays?
    3. What time did you usually go to bed in the evening?
    4. What new skills or things did you learn on spring holidays?
    5. What activities did you enjoy very much?
    6. What activities did you not enjoy at all?



    Thank you for all your answers. I am very happy to meet you and will look forward to talking to you again.

    I really enjoyed talking to you. And now, as a special bonus – please go ask Jan about his spring holidays. In English, of course.

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